NYC Dodgeball - Wednesday UES: Social Laid Back - Soft 'No-Sting' Balls  Dodgeball · Co-Ed Open to All

Winter 2019
2019-01-09 00:00:00.0 TENTATIVE
2019-02-20 00:00:00.0
Registration Dates:
2018-11-13 – Mon Nov 26 23:59:59 EST 2018 early bird
Tue Nov 27 00:00:00 EST 2018 – 2019-01-21 regular
Games played Wednesdays between 7:40 - 9:20pm
Jan 9 - Feb 20
Game dates subject to change
Minimum age:
21 years old
Age as of:
2019-01-09 00:00:00.0
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 7:40pm to 9:40pm

Want to join 2 (or more) leagues this season? Buy 1, then use code "HALVZEEZ" on your next signups this season for 50% off!......Undergrad Student? Use code "ILIVEONRAMEN" for 25% off!

Free Agent Fees
Early Bird 72.0 + 4.22 Processing Fee
Regular 80.0 + 4.22 Processing Fee

  • Ya sign up, we get ya on a team, a schedule, you'll play one night in the same place, come out to the bar and meet everyone, & join the community!

Sign Up Options > Early Bird Discount 10% off. Automatic during signup
> Undergrad Discount 25% off. Use code ILIVEONRAMEN during signup
> BOGO Discount 50% off. When you join 2 leagues **in the same season** your 2nd registration is half price. Buy your 1st normal, then use code HALVZEEZ during the 2nd signup

Pair or Group?
(2-5 Players)

$80 per player
*Max 3 of one gender. Max 4 returning players*
Full Team?
(9-15 players)

$1000 flat fee any size!
*Min 3 women. Max 4 returners*
Company/Alumni Team
(9+ players 
& 1 optional veteran - which we provide*)

$1000 flat fee any size!
*Min 3 women. No max roster size*
Don't worry - welcoming and meeting new people is what we're all about!

You can request friends here, But if ya need to be someone, choose SMALL GROUP together
So 3F?  OK!
3M 2F?  OK!
4M 1F?  Not ok.

Gotta keep gender balance!

Have more than 5?  Either find a few more to make a FULL TEAM, or break into 2 smaller SMALL GROUPS

Ex: break a group of 8 into 2 groups of 4...all in the same gym/bar anyway!
*The league may veto it if your veterans are too good!  Gotta have fair teams!

Fixed price no matter how many players on your squad
*Teams are offered 1 veteran player to join you - who loves welcoming new crews: like as a social liaison and to help get your feet wet with the game. 
Optional, but recommended - They're great!

Fixed price no matter how many on your squad!

It's recommended to have 10 people showing up weekly -
So make your roster as large as you need to do that! 10? 20? 30?! Ok!

REFUND POLICY:  No refunds generally speaking.  I mean, you can't buy an ice cream and return it because you don't like it.  We've already got shirts ordered and schedules made!  That F's us up and more importantly, the season/your team up!  On top of that - we're already the cheapest league in the city, man.  We gotsta pay the bills here! If you had a poopy time or a scheduling conflict we can maybe offer you league credit to a different one of our league options next time.  I mean, we're not gonna be a dick - you get hit by a car and show up in a full body cast, yeah, we'll give you a refund, sign your cast, and send you tear stained get well cards.

League Notes:

Registration is closed

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